Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Winter Break

Last Blog Week 10

I am so excited for winter break you have no idea. I will be worry free for a month and will have all the time in the world. I have been planning my month out so far. I plan on working at least 5-6 hours a day for hopfully 5 days a week. That way I will be making between 250 to 300 dollars a week. Which is awesome for me because I will be spending about 150 dollars on everyone for Christmas. I can't wait to go to work and make some money so I can buy the things I want. I hardly ever get to buy things I want/need. I love to go into cabelas and spend money but once I open my wallet later I then get sad. I hope I don't get sick over break becuase I haven't been sick lately. It will be just my luck though that I get sick or something happens from preventing my plans from happening.I hate being sick because I feel like I could be getting so much done but I just can't. Anyways, I just really hope that break goes the way I plan and I will miss Shelby and Jeff but I know I will be seeing them around school. I really hope that this break we are getting doesn't go by fast like most do. I plan on playing some basketball and mainly doing the things that I want. I never get enough me time and hopfully over break I will get that. I really didn't enjoy college to much. I honestly would rather work instead of school but I know school is the right choice. I just hope I can keep working hard at school and not give up. I can't wait to graduate and find a job that I enjoy and making some money. I hope Shelby and Jeff have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year and they are both safe. :)

Friday, December 3, 2010


Blog Post 9
I'm going to write this blog post about school in general. Many kids don't like school and never will. I feel that school is somewhat compareable to work. Kids go to school for about 8 hours a day and come home with homework so sometimes it's over a fulls day of work. Many kids enjoy school however, I enjoyed school for one reason and that was friends. I really miss my friends and the good times we had. I really miss football and all of my classmates. I haven't really found college to be all that fun or exciting. In my opinion it's almost more boring than high school. The only good thing about it is that you can choose your classes and you have the option of doing what you want to do instead of taking required classes. Another aspect of going to college would be the lack of money and time. I realized that high school was so nice and everything was handed to me. When going to college you have to work for everything and really work yourself. You need money in which people need to work and go to school at the same time. Many people when going to school don't find time to do what they like. People don't realize how nice high school is until they are done and over with it. I really miss high school alot and when I talk to my friends about old memories I feel like an old person. I really hope I learn to enjoy school sometime soon because right now it seems like school is nothing special to me right now. I just hope soon I will find what field I want to go into and start my life out. I really want to get a good job and a nice house with some land to hunt on but none of it would be possible if I didn't have education. Education is the key now days to getting anywhere in life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Celebration After Touchdown

Blog 8
A high school student from a small school in the state of Washington was penalized for kneeling to the ground and pointing to the sky. It may have taken but a second and the ref threw a flag. The ref said he was drawing attention to himself and you're not supposed to do that. The boy simply said he wasn't trying to show off or bring attention to himself he was just simply thanking God. In the NFL people have been started to get fined for many reasons and players are getting sick of it. Many plaers do a dance or point to the sky. Some have used props and have been fined for doing so. I know of kids that have been cocky and flaunted before but there is a difference. If someone wants to simply kneel and point to the sky znd have it not be a big deal then fine, but if someone was to spike the ball or do some other obsence gesture then I think they deserve to be penalized. After the young man got penalized, the fans went crazy and started to yell and yell at the ref. I feel that the NFL and many other sports are getting to serious with some things. They clearly haven't drawn the line well enough on some things. For instance, last week 2 players got into a fist fight on the field and each was fined $25,000. A few weeks before that a player accidentaly went helmet to helmet with another player and was fined $50,000. I feel this to be really unfair. I think that people need to start letting the game be played like it was back in the day and many other people would watch. It's insane to watch it now because there is so many things going on that people get in trouble for that no one is the good guy. You can't find one NFL player that is a real role model because they somehow all get in trouble. I just can't stand what is happening to the game and how people get fined for things that are stupid and childish, and those who get in trouble for pointing to the sky.